Category: Internet

Virtual Learning: How to Maximize Your Online Education

Virtual learning has emerged as a critical form of education for so many. Online education offers unparalleled flexibility and accessibility! Whether you’re a student pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree, a professional seeking to upskill, or simply curious about a new subject, online education provides a wealth of opportunities. However, making the most of virtual learning requires self – discipline and a strategic approach. Here are some tips to help support you in your online education journey:

1. Set Clear Goals

Start by defining your educational objectives. Are you learning to enhance your career prospects, acquire new skills, or explore personal interests? Establishing clear goals will help you choose the right courses and stay motivated throughout your program.

2. Choose Reputable Platforms

Selecting the right online learning platform is critical. Look for established platforms that offer a diverse range of courses and have a reputation for quality education.

3. Create a Dedicated Learning Space

Designate a specific area in your home for learning. This space should be comfortable, free from distractions, and well-equipped with the necessary tools – such as a computer, headphones, notebooks, etc.

4. Time Management

Develop a study schedule that aligns with your daily routine. Allocate specific time slots for learning and stick to them. Consistency is key to effective online learning!

5. Active Participation

Engage actively with the course content and your instructors. Take thorough notes, participate in discussions, and ask questions! Active involvement will help reinforce your understanding and make the learning experience more valuable.

6. Stay Organized

Use digital tools like calendars, to-do lists, and note-taking apps to keep track of assignments, deadlines, and progress. Staying organized will prevent last-minute rushes and reduce stress.

7. Interact with Peers

Many online courses offer discussion forums or group activities. Engaging with your peers can provide different perspectives on the course material and help establish a sense of community.

8. Ask for Feedback

Don’t hesitate to ask for feedback from instructors or peers on your assignments or projects. Constructive feedback can guide your learning and help you improve!

9. Minimize Distractions

During your designated study time, eliminate distractions such as social media, emails, and unrelated websites. Consider using controls such as putting your phone on “Do Not Disturb” to help you stay focused.

10. Explore Diverse Resources

Supplement your learning with additional resources like books, articles, podcasts, and YouTube videos. Diverse resources can provide a well-rounded understanding of the topic.

11. Set Realistic Expectations

Online learning requires self-discipline and effort. Be realistic about your pace of learning and the time you can commit to your courses.

12. Celebrate Achievements

Acknowledge and celebrate your milestones and achievements throughout your learning journey! It will boost your motivation and sense of accomplishment.

Virtual learning offers an incredible opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills while remaining flexible with our busy lives! By setting clear goals, managing your time effectively, staying organized, and engaging actively with the course content, you can optimize your online education experience. Remember that the journey is as important as the destination –  so enjoy the process of learning and growing!

Ensuring a Seamless Transition When Switching Internet Service Providers

Having a reliable and high-speed internet connection is absolutely essential in order to live, work, and play in today’s age. This means that there may come a time when you decide that you need to switch to a different internet service provider (ISP). Some of these reasons might include better pricing, improved services, or better customer support. To ensure a smooth transition, we recommend following these steps:

1. Research and Compare ISPs:

Before making a switch, research and compare different ISPs in your area. Look at a myriad of factors including pricing, speeds, customer reviews, and service plans. Choose an ISP that aligns with your needs and will help ensure a seamless transition process.

2. Check Contract Terms and Cancellation Policies:

If you’re under a contract with your current ISP, review the terms of the contract and make sure to understand potential cancellation fees. Some ISPs might require customers to pay a penalty for terminating a contract early. Make sure that you are aware of all these details so you can make the most informed decision!

3. Schedule the Switch:

Contact your new ISP and schedule the installation and activation date. Try to coordinate the scheduling to have the new service up and running before canceling the old one – this will help avoid any gaps in connectivity.

4. Backup Any Essential Data:

If your internet service includes cloud storage or email accounts provided by your current ISP, make sure to back up any important data before making the switch! This might include emails, files, and any other data stored on their servers.

5. Notify Friends, Family, and Business Contacts of Email Address Changes:

If your email address is tied to your previous ISP, consider setting up a new email address with a more universal provider (e.g., Gmail, Outlook) before making the switch. This will help ensure that important communications are not lost or disrupted during the transition!

6. Update Connected Devices:

Identify all devices connected to your current internet network, such as phones, tablets, computers, smart TVs, and smart home devices. Update the Wi-Fi settings on these devices with the new network information once the new service is activated.

7. Conduct Speed Tests:

After the new ISP is set up, perform speed tests to ensure you’re receiving the promised internet speeds. This step helps verify that the transition has been successful and that you’re getting the service you signed up for!

8. Cancel Your Old Service:

Once you have established the new service and it is working as expected, contact your old ISP to cancel your service. Follow their cancellation process, return any equipment they provided (if applicable), and settle any outstanding bills.

9. Troubleshooting and Support:

In case you experience any issues during or after the transition, don’t hesitate to reach out to the customer support teams of both the old and new ISPs. They can provide guidance and help troubleshoot any issues!

Switching internet service providers doesn’t have to be a daunting or scary task. With careful planning, preparation, and attention to detail, you can ensure a seamless transition that minimizes downtime and disruption, allowing you to enjoy your new internet service without missing a beat!

Alyrica Networks has REAL people (right here in Philomath) ready to help you navigate all of your internet needs! Alyrica is a trusted internet service provider that has been serving the Mid-Willamette Valley for more than twenty years. Give us a call today if you’re ready to make the switch!

Staying Informed: Reliable News Sources and Fact-Checking

During a time where we are all constantly inundated with information from various sources, staying well-informed is both critical and challenging. Reliable news sources and fact-checking are important tools to utilize in navigating the sea of information and helps to ensure that the information we absorb is accurate and unbiased.

The Importance of Reliable News Sources

Reliable news sources serve as a fundamental aspect of an informed society. They help provide accurate and valuable information while presenting a comprehensive picture of events happening around the world. These sources adhere to a myriad of different ethics while maintaining a commitment to transparency. When selecting news sources, consider the following factors:

  • 1. Editorial Independence: Look for news outlets that maintain editorial independence –  free from the influence of political or corporate interests. A trustworthy news source is one that prioritizes the truth over sensationalism.
  • 2. Verification: Reputable news organizations strive to verify their information through multiple sources prior to publishing. This commitment to fact-checking ensures that the news you consume is accurate and reliable.
  • 3. Transparency: Trustworthy news sources are open about their sources of information and the process they follow to gather and verify news. They also provide context to help you understand the broader picture.
  • 4. Diverse Coverage: A reliable news outlet presents a diverse range of perspectives, giving you a well-rounded view of a situation. This helps you establish a more informed opinion.

Fact-Checking: An Important Tool in Avoiding Misinformation

The rise of social media and the ease of content sharing has led to an increase in misinformation and what is known as “fake news.” Fact-checking is a critical skill for every informed citizen. Here are ways you can incorporate it into your regular news consumption routine:

  • 1. Cross-Reference Information
    • Avoid relying on a single news source. 
    • Cross-reference information from multiple reliable sources to confirm its accuracy.
  • 2. Fact-Checking Websites: There are dedicated fact-checking websites that scrutinize and verify claims made in the news. Some of these resources include Snopes,, and PolitiFact and can all be invaluable resources when verifying questionable information.
  • 3. Check the Source: Investigate the credibility of the news source. Is it a well-known and respected news outlet, or is it an obscure website with no established track record?
  • 4. Critical Thinking: Engage your critical thinking skills! Analyze the language used in a news article and look out for sensationalism, exaggerated claims, and biased language.

Avoiding Confirmation Bias

In the age of personalized algorithms, it’s easy to fall into the trap of confirmation bias. Confirmation bias involves seeking out information that solely aligns with our personal existing beliefs. In an effort to stay truly well- informed, actively seek out viewpoints that challenge your perspectives. This practice not only broadens your understanding but also helps guard against misinformation.

Cultivating Media Literacy

Staying well- informed goes beyond identifying reliable sources and fact-checking. Developing media literacy skills empowers us to critically evaluate the information we encounter. Work to actively question the intention behind an article, the potential biases of the publication, and the credibility of sources cited.

Staying properly informed in today’s fast-paced digital world requires a blend of vigilance, critical thinking, and reliance on credible news sources. By prioritizing reliability and fact-checking, it is possible to properly navigate the sea of information with confidence. It is important to remember that being well- informed does not stop at consuming news; it’s also about making informed decisions based on accurate information.

The Importance of Community Involvement and Giving Back

Engaging with one’s community and actively contributing to its well-being can lead to numerous positive outcomes, both for individuals and the community at large. Here we will discuss the importance of community involvement and giving back – shedding light on the benefits it can bring to ourselves and others!

Fostering a Strong Sense of Belonging

Community involvement creates a sense of belonging and connection. When individuals actively engage in local activities, volunteer work, or collaborative projects, they build bonds with neighbors and other community members. This sense of belonging fosters a supportive environment where people share common goals and values, leading to enhanced social connection and a stronger sense of community. 


Addressing Local Needs and Challenges

No one understands a community’s needs better than its own residents. By getting involved, individuals gain insight into the challenges their community faces, allowing them to identify ways they can make meaningful contributions. Whether it’s participating in food drives for local shelters, mentoring youth, or cleaning up parks, every effort counts toward improving the quality of lives of others in our community. 


Creating a Ripple Effect of Positivity

Acts of service often have a ripple effect – inspiring others to do the same. When one person volunteers or contributes to a cause, they inspire friends, family, and neighbors to join in as well. This creates a positive cycle that can transform an entire community and inspire similar actions in neighboring areas.


Personal Growth and Skill Development

Community involvement offers opportunities for personal growth and skill development. Whether it’s public speaking, leadership, project management, or problem-solving, engaging with a diverse range of activities expands one’s skill set. These experiences not only enrich personal lives but also contribute to building a well-rounded and adaptable community.


Enhancing Social Responsibility

A community that gives back is one that values social responsibility. Individuals who actively participate in community initiatives tend to be more aware of societal issues and are more likely to advocate for positive change on a larger scale. This collective commitment to social responsibility can drive policy changes, influence local government decisions, and create a positive and equitable society.


Diminishing Isolation and Loneliness

Isolation and loneliness are prevalent challenges in modern society. Community involvement provides an antidote by creating opportunities for meaningful social interactions. Engaging with others who share common interests and goals can alleviate feelings of isolation and contribute to improved mental and emotional well-being.


Community involvement and giving back are critical to building resilient, compassionate, and vibrant communities. By actively participating in local initiatives, individuals contribute to their own growth, forge meaningful connections, and help create a positive impact on the lives of others. Ultimately, the importance of community involvement lies in its potential to transform societies, foster unity, and shape a brighter future for everyone!


Getting involved in your local community doesn’t have to be difficult! Conduct a quick online search of opportunities to engage that might be most meaningful for you – youth serving organizations, soup kitchens, clothes closets, and homeless shelters can always use volunteers and would undoubtedly appreciate your interest in serving!

Financial Management: Online Banking and Budgeting

In today’s ever-changing digital world, financial management has become more convenient than ever before. With a few clicks, you can monitor your accounts, pay bills, and create a comprehensive budget to achieve your financial goals using various budgeting and banking tools. Here we will explore the benefits of online banking and dive into how to effectively utilize budgeting tools ro properly manage your finances.

The Advantages of Online Banking

  • Convenience: Online banking eliminates the need to visit a physical bank. You can access your accounts and conduct transactions from the comfort of your home, or while on the go using your computer or smartphone.
  • 24/7 Access: Unlike traditional banking hours, online banking provides round-the-clock access to your accounts. This is particularly useful for checking account balances, transferring funds, and paying bills. 
  • Efficient Account Management: Online banking platforms allow for monitoring multiple accounts in one place. You can easily track your savings, checking, credit card, and investment accounts, giving you a comprehensive overview of your financial situation. 
  • Quick Transactions: Transferring money between accounts, paying bills, and making investments can be done swiftly online. Automated bill payments can help avoid late fees and help establish and maintain a positive credit score.
  • Enhanced Security: Reputable online banking platforms offer advanced security features, including encryption and multi-factor authentication to protect your financial data from unauthorized access.

Budgeting Tools for Financial Success

  • Setting Financial Goals: Start by defining your short-term and long-term financial goals, such as saving for a vacation, buying a house, or building an emergency fund. Having clear objectives will guide your budgeting efforts.
  • Tracking Expenses: Use budgeting apps or spreadsheets to track your monthly expenses. Categorize your spending, including fixed costs (rent/mortgage, utilities) and variable expenses (groceries, entertainment, etc.). This will help you identify areas where you can make appropriate adjustments.
  • Creating a Budget: Based on your income and expenses, create a budget that allocates funds to different categories and ensure that expenses do not exceed income. Prioritize essentials while leaving room for savings and leisure activities.
  • Automating Savings: Many online banking platforms allow you to set up automatic transfers from your checking to your savings account. This approach ensures that you save consistently.
  • Regular Reviews: Make sure to revisit your budget regularly, especially if your financial circumstances change. Adjust your budget as necessary to accommodate unexpected expenses, income changes, or adjustments to your financial goals.
  • Debt Management: If you have loans or credit card debt, make sure to establish a plan to pay them off in a reasonable amount of time. You could also alllocate extra funds to your highest-interest debts while making minimum payments on others.

Online banking and budgeting tools have completely changed the way we manage our finances. These tools offer convenience as well as increased accessibility and control over our money. By utilizing these tools,  we increase our understanding of our financial situation, set achievable goals, and work towards a stable financial future. It is important to remember that successful financial management requires discipline, regular monitoring, and necessary adjustment as our circumstances change. By taking proper control of our finances today, we can pave the way for a more secure tomorrow.

Creating a Safe Online Environment for Kids: A Guide to Setting Up Parental Controls

In today’s digital age, children are now growing up surrounded by technology. While the internet offers a world of knowledge and opportunities, it also presents potential risks. As responsible parents, it’s critical to create a safe online environment for kids. One way to do this is by establishing effective parental controls. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of creating and implementing these controls to ensure your children can explore the online world safely and securely.

Understanding the Need for Parental Controls:

Parental controls are tools that help you manage and monitor your child’s online activities. They allow you to establish boundaries, filter content, and monitor your child’s online interactions. These tools help ensure your child has a healthy, safe, and secure experience navigating the internet. 

Step 1: Communication is Key

Before you start implementing parental controls, it’s important to have an open and honest conversation with your child about the importance of internet safety. You should discuss the potential dangers of being online –  such as cyberbullying, inappropriate content, and interactions with strangers. Ensure your child understands the rules and reasons behind using parental controls.

Step 2: Select the Appropriate Devices and Platforms

Parental controls can be applied to a wide range of devices –  from smartphones and tablets to computers and gaming consoles. Identify the devices your child uses most frequently and research the parental control options available for each platform. Operating systems such as iOS, Android, Windows, and gaming platforms often offer built-in parental control features.

Step 3: Utilize Built-in Parental Controls

Most devices and platforms come equipped with parental control settings. These settings typically allow you to restrict access to specific apps, websites, and content, as well as set time limits for usage. Familiarize yourself with the options available on each device and adjust them to your child’s age and your comfort level.

Step 4: Explore Third-Party Parental Control Software

In addition to built-in controls, third-party parental control software is available and helps to provide more advanced features and comprehensive monitoring. These software options often include content filtering, social media tracking, location monitoring, and detailed usage reports. Some well-known parental control software includes Qustodio, Net Nanny, and Norton Family.

Step 5: Establish Clear Guidelines

Set clear rules and guidelines for device usage and online activities with your child. Communicate appropriate screen time limits, establish designated online spaces (such as common areas in the house), and explain potential consequences for violating the rules. Parents should regularly review and adjust these guidelines as your child grows and their online needs and activities change. 

Step 6: Monitor Actively and Respect Privacy

While it’s critical to monitor your child’s online activities, it is also important to respect their privacy. Ensure an open line of communication and let your child know that your monitoring is meant to ensure their safety and not invade their privacy. Encourage your child to be open with you about anything that makes them uncomfortable online and assure them that you will be there to help them navigate any alarming or negative experiences. 

Step 7: Stay Educated and Actively Engaged

The digital landscape is constantly evolving with new apps, websites, and trends emerging regularly. Stay informed about the latest online platforms and any potential challenges facing children. Regularly engage your child in conversations around their online experiences, friends, and interests.

Setting up parental controls is a proactive step toward creating a safe online environment for your kids. By combining effective communication, appropriate and respectful monitoring, and your own continued education of the digital world, you can strike a balance between allowing your child to explore the digital world while keeping them protected from potential risks. It is critical to remember that technology is a tool, and with proper guidance and support, your child can navigate the internet safely.

For Alyrica customers, we are able to provide world-class online security features from eero Secure.  Our customers get access to value-added services like parental controls, content filtering, threat protection, and ad blocking.  Learn more about Alyrica Wi-Fi.

Back to School: A Humorous Guide for Kids Who’d Rather Be Anywhere Else

Hey, kids! So, you’re back to school, huh? I can practically feel your enthusiasm radiating through the screen. Nothing says “good times” like trading in your beach towel for a backpack, am I right? But fear not, because Alyrica is here to sprinkle a little pixie dust on your academic adventures. Here are some tried-and-true, scientifically untested tips to help you navigate the treacherous waters of another school year.

1. Deep Sighs: The New Communication Norm

Ah, the sigh – humanity’s most versatile tool since the invention of the spork. When your teacher assigns yet another riveting essay, unleash a sigh so dramatic it makes Shakespeare roll over in his grave, and he’s been dead a really long time. Toss in an eye roll that could power a small wind turbine and voilà, instant sympathy points.

2. Desk: The Ultimate Storage Unit of Dreams

Sure, a desk is technically meant for studying, but let’s be real, it’s the perfect nook for your snacks, secret doodles, and the remains of a cafeteria pizza from last year. Remember, the true artistry lies in camouflaging your workspace under a colorful tapestry of Post-it notes.

3. Navigating Hallways: A Contact Sport

Walking down the hallway is like participating in the Olympics of dodging. Locker doors slamming open, chatty cliques forming human barricades, and those folks who decide to re-tie their shoelaces mid-stride – these are the obstacles that build character and calf muscles.

4. Lost-and-Found: Your Boutique of Surprise Fashion

Why waste your parents’ hard-earned money on trendy clothes when the lost-and-found section is a treasure trove of sartorial wonders? Rock that unmatched sock and oversized jacket like it’s the latest Paris Fashion Week trend. The name’s Steve now, by the way.

5. Pen: Your New Social Currency

Pens are like that one elusive sock in the laundry – you start with plenty, but by some mystical force, they vanish into thin air. Elevate your status by being the pen provider, the Shakespeare of sharing stationery. Make friends faster than a dog chasing its own tail.

6. The Epic Summer: A Work of Fiction

“Oh, what did you do over the summer?” they ask innocently. Little do they know you’ve spun a yarn so elaborate it rivals the Iliad. Tales of squirrel whispering and deep-sea basket weaving should suffice, sprinkled with a touch of Homeworkisland mythology.

7. The Art of Stealth Napping

Sure, school’s all about learning, but sometimes your eyelids are in on a secret mission: Operation Shut-Down. Master the skill of catching a nap during class without getting caught – it’s like covert ops for the sleepy-eyed.

8. The Library: Hogwarts for Muggles

Tired of the mundane? Escape to the library – a sanctuary of silence and adventure, complete with a smell that’s 50% ancient wisdom and 50% musty paper. Your escape pod for that classic “get lost in a book” scenario.

9. Bathroom Stall Wisdom: Life’s Unexpected Counselor

When life leaves you perplexed, find solace in bathroom stall philosophy. Inspirational quotes, doodles of unidentifiable creatures, and profound life advice – all written by someone whose penmanship is as enigmatic as the mysteries of the universe.

10. Laughing Through the Homework Trenches

Between assignments and pop quizzes, remember that laughter is your secret weapon. A goofy meme shared with pals or turning algebra into a stand-up gig (watch your audience) can turn the drudgery into a giggle-worthy spectacle.

So, my young compatriots in academia, armed with these nuggets of wisdom, you’re set to tackle the year like a seasoned pro (or at least a slightly jaded amateur). Brace yourself for a journey filled with chuckles, challenges, and a heap of perfectly executed sighs.

Internet Safety – It takes all of us!

Here at Alyrica Networks, we’re always thinking about how we can continue to support our local communities in meaningful ways – because we live here too! Internet safety is important to us.  As a local internet service provider, we believe that we are in a unique position to not only help folks be able to access quality, high-speed internet but also understand how to navigate the internet safely.  

A recent research study conducted by Common Sense Media discovered that out of 1,300 youth between the ages of 11 to 15, nearly 60% had been made to feel uncomfortable through unwanted contact by strangers through social media applications. Read more about the study HERE  

What are we going to do about it? Alyrica is partnering with ABC House, the Children’s Advocacy Center for Linn and Benton Counties, to deliver SafetyNet: Smart Cyber Choices – a FREE Digital Safety Training. This training is 1.5 – 2 hours in length and covers everything you need to know on how to keep your loved ones safe online. Topic covered include:  

  • Cyberbullying 
  • Privacy 
  • Predators 
  • Sexting 
  • Plagiarism 
  • Computer security 
  • Identity theft 
  • Gaming 
  • Social networking 
  • Sex trafficking

You can attend this FREE training live and in-person at Alyrica Networks located at 526 N 19th St, Philomath OR on Thursday, September 14th at 6:00 pm. Please register online by clicking HERE

Fiber Optic Internet to Increase Your Home Value

Fiber Optic Internet to Increase Your Home Value

Do you own your home? How much value do you have? There are endless improvements that could help to add value, but what about your internet connection? Studies have shown that a fiber optic internet connection can help to increase the value of your home. Whether you have renters or are the ones residing in your home access to a fiber optic internet connection can help to increase your homes overall value.

So, What is Fiber Optic Internet?

Fiber optics is the technology that is used to transmit information as pulses of light through strands of fiber made of glass or plastic over long distances. Each optical fiber size is the diameter of a strand of human hair and when bundled all together they create a fiber-optic cable that is capable of transmitting more data over longer distances and faster than other mediums.

So, What is Fiber Optic Internet?

In 2015, a Study conducted by the Fiber to the Home Council Americas (FTTH), an advocacy group made up of fiber equipment vendors and broadband providers, show that fiber may increase a home’s value by up to 3.1 percent.

Fiber to the Home Council Americas (FTTH) Study

Other Added Benefits to a Home Fiber Connection

Speed, Speed, Speed! There is nothing more annoying than having to wait for a website to load or a show on Netflix. With fiber optics you can get a better connection that improves efficiency and provides faster upload/download speeds.

In addition to higher speeds, fiber optics provides resistance to electromagnetic Interference. Electromagnetic interference can occur when there is any device that emits a signal. In many typical households this could include microwaves, radios, wireless telephones, Bluetooth speakers, etc. While repositioning your route can help to fix these interferences, a fiber connection would mean you do not have to go through that hassle; Because fiber optics are made from glass or plastic, those materials are not affected by electromagnetics. Also, since fiber optic cables do not contain metals, they are often non-conductive in nature and this helps to eliminate any potential spark hazards.

Furthermore, fiber optic connects can help to lower your security risk online. This benefit is due to the way communication/data is transmitted. As the speeds for fiber approach the speed of light, it makes data signals much harder for hackers or malicious individuals to intercept the information being transmitted.

Adapt: From the Old Routine to the New Frontier

Adapt: From the Old Routine to the New Frontier

I heard someone say recently that Humpty Dumpty isn’t going to go back together the same way. COVID continues to change the field of play. We can’t live on autopilot like we used to.

I had my routines for Monday going to the coffee shop to work on marketing; the Tuesday meetings, going in and seeing how the team was doing, having quick conversations with people, etc.

I prefer to be proactive rather than reactive; but the rules of the game all changed and we all are continually having to react to the situation as it unfolds. First we react to the uncertainty, then react to the shutdown, then react to the new norms, then react to a re-opening for phase 1, then we will react to phase 2, 3, etc.

This is a big part of why we wanted to do this webinar series; to help people however we can as we move forward together.

Adapting is a mindset, then a skill set

Creating the Personal Growth Plan

I was first introduced to the idea of a personal growth plan several years ago; and it made complete sense to me. If you want to get better, you have to be intentional and the best way to be intentional is to have a plan!

When this idea was really first introduced to me several years ago, one of the areas I wanted to work on is not being so shy and introverted. I was the guy who would keep his headphones in, go to the counter at the coffee shop, try not to make eye contact and get the coffee and sit down. Human interaction was an unfortunate necessity → I wish Starbucks had online ordering back then!

I was challenged to go and make 1 new friend a day, regardless of who they were. The goal was to introduce myself and get to know their name (even if it was a name tag they were wearing). I can’t tell you how many times I would shake. I was so nervous going and saying “hi to someone… And for those that don’t believe all of this, you can ask my wife sometime!

Adapting is a mindset, then a skill set → let’s start there!

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.

There is a book called ‘Mindset’ by Dr Carol Dweck. The thesis of the book is about having a growth vs a fixed mindset. A fixed mindset says nothing changes (IQ test says how smart you are and it doesn’t change). A growth mindset says that we can all learn and grow and change… yes, you can teach old dogs new tricks!

I think the growth mindset is essential; we are able to get better and better. Knowledge about a growth mindset is different from a focus on it. Just because I know ‘about’ dolphins doesn’t mean I know dolphins… I’m not focused on it!

I would encourage us to have a growth focus over a goal focus. I’ll explain. Yes, we need to have goals, I think they are very important! I like setting goals and being strategic about it → I’m kind of a nerd that way. BUT I think that if we are growth focused over goal focused, the goal is going to happen. If we are goal focused over growth focused, we may hit the goal, but we probably didn’t get better in the process!

You have to know yourself to grow yourself


  • What are your growth goals?
  • What training would you like to attend (virtually, in person)?
  • What training could you teach to others?
  • What new skill(s) would you like to acquire?

Resource: 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth – John C Maxwell

Creating the Inner Circle

Probably the most profound idea that I have now heard repeated in many different ways and from different people is this: The person we will be 5 years from now will largely be due to the books we read and the people we listen to.

This is why I believe creating an Inner Circle is so important.

Mentors have gone before you in some capacity

Coaches are pushing you in a specific area of life

Teammates are on the journey with you

Cheerleaders love and care about you

How then do we select people for our inner circle?

I would start with making a list of people that you admire. Who you would like to emulate in one area of life or another? Put them on a list of potential mentors or coaches. The next list would be of people that you are on your team or you want them to be on your team who will help encourage and/or go on a growth journey with you.

My friend Anthony a few weeks ago was one of those friends for me. We were talking about life, goals, etc and he was the catalyst for making this webinar happen today. By pushing me like a coach, mentoring me in some areas he has expertise and cheering me on to make it happen; I’m glad he is in my corner!

Find people who GET IT

  • Growing – Are they getting better?
  • Encouraging – Are they helpful and want to see you win?
  • Truthful – Are they honest with me about areas I need to work on?
  • Intentional – Do they lead their life or just accept their life?
  • Teachable – Do they have humility and are able to learn from others?


  • Who am I learning from?
  • Who am I coaching/mentoring?
  • What friends do I have that GET IT?

Resource: The Mentor Leader – Tony Dungy

Setting yourself apart from the crowd

First; I think that the fact that you are reading this shows that you want to grow and change and adapt.

Adapting is a mindset, then a skill set.

I read in a book several years ago a profound statement/idea: ‘It’s not about me.’

Set yourself apart by being FAST:

  • Flexible – Be willing to do things that are uncomfortable or scary
  • Attitude – Have a great attitude; a positive life stance
  • Serving – People don’t care how much you know ’til they know how much you care
  • Teachable – Learning from everyone; even if it is a 7 year old

The only job security we have is our individual commitment to personal development.


  • Where can I serve that I won’t get anything back in return?

Resource: The Slight Edge – Jeff Olson

Change the method, not the message

First we probably need to define the message! This could be a personal mission statement, or working at a company it can be that mission statement.

Provide the best customer experience in telecommunications.

If that’s the message, it is constant. HOW we go about doing that can change.

I love music, I grew up in a very musical family. The way that people have changed HOW they listen to music has changed over the years.

Phonograph, Vinyl Record, 8 Track Tape, Cassette Tape, CD, MiniDisk, MP3, Streaming service.

And there are communication mediums:

Morse Code, Telephone, Radio, Television, Internet, WiFi

The way the message gets relayed changes, but ‘Mary Had a Little Lamb’ is going to be around for a long time to come!

Experimentation is our friend right now more than ever. People are stepping out and trying new things, companies are changing how they do business and life has kind of been standing on its head the last couple months.

Experiment, fail, reflect, learn, change, repeat.

Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.

A lot of what we have talked about today has been person-centric, but it can also be company-centric as well. Setting yourself apart is as important for a company as it is for an individual.


  • What is my/our core message?

Resource: Start with Why – Simon Sinek

Location, Location, Location: From Main Street to Main Stream

New week’s webinar topics we will be covering:

  • Location: Online presence
  • Location: Product/Service easily delivered to the customer’s home (digitally or physically)
  • Location: Could you physically move your operation in the future?

May 21 @ 1PM PST.
Feel free to reach out to me via email: