Support & FAQs

We are here to help! Find FAQs, email settings and contact information including location and telephone numbers.

Email Settings

Use these settings to setup your Email clients.

Incoming Mail
Incoming Server
Port (IMAP) 143
Port (POP) 110
Connection SSL / Encryption Method Auto or TLS

Username is the full email address. If you don’t know your password, please call our office.

Outgoing Mail
Outgoing Server
Auth Type Password
Outgoing Port 587
Connection SSL / Encryption Method Auto or TLS

Username and password for the outgoing mail server are the same as for the incoming mail server.

Do I need to have a phone line or cable connection for your Internet service to work?

Nope! We connect your home or business directly to our network, without using any other company’s wires. For fiber optic customers, this comes from lines that we put in. Fixed wireless requires installing a radio on your house and we bring an ethernet cable inside to connect you to the internet.

Do I need a modem?

Nope! Alyrica uses digital networks to transmit the information, so a modem is not needed. However, if you wish to have WIFI available, you will need a router. Routers are not included with the installation, but can be purchased for an additional fee.

What is a Router and do I need one?

A router allows multiple devices to share the same Internet connection. Without a router, only one computer could use the Internet at a time and it would have to be connected via an Ethernet cable. Most routers will also broadcast a WIFI signal, allowing smartphones, tablets, and computers to connect to the Internet wirelessly.

Routers also allow multiple devices to share information with each other. For example, if you have music or movies saved on one computer, other computers or devices connected to the same router would be able to play those same media files. Most of our customers have multiple devices they want connected to the Internet, therefore they need a router.

What is Whole Home WiFi?

As more and more people are using WiFi exclusively, Whole Home WiFi ensures that there are no ‘dead-zones’ in your house and you have the absolute best Internet experience. Our Whole Home WiFi also has advanced features such as content filtering, managing devices on your network, etc. all from a smartphone app.

Will weather affect my Internet?

Weather very rarely affects our network. Our equipment can communicate through rain and fog without any difficulty. If a large accumulation of snow builds up on your radio’s dish, signal quality may degrade slightly, but it is usually not a problem here in the Willamette Valley!

Do you impose usage limits?

Nope! Our service has no usage limits. The only limit we impose is the speed at which you can download or upload information.

What is a Signal Check and why do I need one?

Our fixed wireless Internet service is dependent on being able to get a strong enough signal to one of our tower sites. If you are in a tricky area, we may need to do a signal check before scheduling an installation. Most times, however, the signal check is done at the time of the install.

What is Line of Sight (LOS)

Line of sight refers to the ability of being able to see our Internet tower from your location. A clear line of sight means that there are no obstructions between the radio on your home or business and our Internet tower. Too many trees or buildings obstructing the view to the tower may not allow us to connect your location to our network using wireless technology.

Why can't I send mail from my phone even though I am receiving mail?

The outgoing mail server settings are probably incorrect. Please compare your settings to the settings listed under the Email Settings section.

Why won't my laptop send mail from anywhere except my home or work?

The outgoing mail server settings are probably incorrect. Please compare your settings to the settings listed under the Email Settings section.

I'm getting too much SPAM. What can I do about it?

The best way to control SPAM is to stay off the SPAM radar. To do that, you need to be careful who you provide your email address to. All Alyrica Internet accounts come with two email boxes. This allows you to have one you check regularly that you provide only to friends, coworkers, and others that you communicate with on a regular basis. The other you can use for all of those online accounts where they send you unwanted email every day. In addition, you can use the second account for unknown places that may pass that email address on to their spammy friends 🙂.

People are getting E-Mails from me that I didn't send. How do I stop this?

Someone has likely hacked your email account by guessing your password. You need to change your password to something new and make it difficult for someone to guess. For assistance, call Customer Support at 541-929-3330 or text 541-585-8119.

Do I need to have a phone line to get your phone service?

No, you do not need a phone line for our phone service to work. Our phone service uses Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP), which means that your phone calls use your Internet connection, rather than a dedicated phone line.

Do I need to buy a special phone to work with your service?

We provide a small piece of equipment that will allow you to use your existing telephone. However, businesses may want to purchase VoIP phones to take advantage of the advanced features that will be available to them.

Will your phone service work when the power is out?

If the power is out at your home or business, your phone will not work. The devices required to make your phone work over your Internet connection require electricity supplied by your location. If the power is out at your location, these devices will be offline, making your phone inoperable. For this reason, we strongly recommend you have an alternate means of calling 911 available at all times, such as a cell phone.

Can I call 911 using your phone service?

If the power is on and your Internet connection is active, you will be able to call 911 from your phone. It is important to keep your physical address information up to date with us, because this is the address that will be sent to emergency responders when you call 911. However, in a power outage, your phone will not be operating and you will not be able to reach 911 (see above question). It is highly recommended to have an alternative means of calling 911 in an emergency, such as a cell phone.

Why do I have to buy a router from Alyrica?

Since your phone calls will be going through your router and Internet connection, our routers allow us to create a separate channel for your phone service, so your phone calls and your Internet usage don’t impact each other. This will provide a more satisfying and trouble-free experience for you.

Can I call Alaska, Hawaii, or International destinations?

We can enable international calling (which includes Alaska and Hawaii) on your phone, but this service must be requested. Calls to these destinations will be charged for by the minute. Our Limited International Dial plan allows calls to be completed that are billed at $0.10 / minute or less. This is to protect you from outrageous per minute charges that exist in parts of the world. If you need to call destinations that cost more than $0.10 / minute, we can do that too, however, we will require some additional paperwork.

To find out how much it would cost to call a certain phone number, please send an email to requesting the current rate deck. These files can be viewed using a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel or by using a simple text editor, like notepad. Look up the prefix, which is the first part of the phone number beginning with the country code, to find the corresponding per minute rate. The most specific prefix will be used to bill the call. Rates may change without notice.

How do I access my voicemail settings, such as changing my greeting?

Follow these steps to access your voicemail settings.

  • 1. Pick up your home phone and dial *123.
  • 2. Enter your voicemail PIN. **
  • 3. Listen to the menu options and follow the prompts to configure your voicemail.

** If you don’t know your PIN, please give us a call.

How can I listen to my voice mail messages when I'm away from home?

To listen to your voicemail messages when you are not home, follow these steps:

  • 1. Call your home phone number.
  • 2. When the voicemail prompt begins, press *.
  • 3. Enter your voicemail PIN. **
  • 4. Listen to the menu options and follow the prompts to listen to your messages.

** If you don’t know your PIN, please give us a call.

Can you provide faxing services with your voice phone service?

Yes, we can provide you with a fax line that is capable of sending and receiving faxes. Our preferential method for sending and receiving faxes is to use E-Mail and / or a web based portal. This allows you the freedom of fax services without having to maintain a physical fax machine. Faxes can be sent directly from your computer in multiple ways and received faxes can be delivered securely to your email inbox as a PDF attachment. If you require a physical fax machine, we can get that working as well with some additional equipment installation.

Can I use Alyrica voice and fax over the same line?

Voice over IP and fax over VoIP require different configurations to provide the best reliable service. We are unable to configure a line to work well with voice traffic and also work well for faxing. As a result, we require two separate lines, one for voice use and the other for fax use.

What is Desktop Faxing?

Desktop Faxing is a virtual printer that is installed on a Windows PC and makes sending a fax as easy as printing a document. If you wish to send a fax, you can open the document you want to send (PDF, MS Word, etc) and select Internet Fax as the printer. You will then be prompted for a fax number and the document will be wisked away as a fax to the destination you entered!

Only certain fax customers have this functionality available. If you wish to inquire about this functionality, please call our office.

To install the needed software on your PC, please download the below zip file, extract to a temporary directory, and run the setup.exe file. Once installed, simply print a document and select Internet Fax. When prompted, enter your Username and Password in the Authorization section of the settings screen. Enter a destination phone number on the next screen and your fax is on its way.

Download the Desktop Fax Driver here: Desktop_Fax_Driver

I can't log into It says I have an invalid username or password.

When you visit, the URL gets hashed for security reasons. It won’t allow login from this hashed URL once your session has expired. Close the page and access again from a fresh page. Your login information should work again.

If you want to bookmark the portal, please bookmark the following URL: